Heat Policy
Heat Policy (2023 Update): Please note we will continue our heat policy where requested but this may be impacted beyond our control and/or responsibility due to ongoing transport delays. Alternatively, feel free to contact us for extended cellarage until the cooler months.
WineStar Heat Policy
All orders have a Heat Policy option at checkout.
In instances of extreme heat, by choosing 'Yes' to the Heat Policy on checkout, your wine will be held in our climate control at no cost to you until there is a clear path of milder temperatures between us and you. Alternatively, you may request immediate dispatch despite the heat (at your risk) by choosing 'No'.
The Heat Policy kicks in at 29°C (BOM Forecast) at either origin or destination. In the peak of hot season, this may add a few days to shipping to the East. However, it could add many days shipping to WA as we only use 7 day forecasts which is similar to the shipping time so we err on the side of caution.
We derive no income from this service and you are free to not choose the heat policy at checkout or request immediate dispatch at any point after purchase, at your risk. Failing that, we will keep your wine in our climate control at no cost and check forecasts for all destinations daily with periodic reminders to you.
Please note, our Heat Policy is based on forecast (not eventual) temperatures. WineStar will not be liable for an unforeseen fluctuation in the forecast temperature or if wine is delivered outside of the delivery times estimated in our shipping calculator.
Cellarage & Transportation
WineStar cellars all of our wines in a state-of-the-art climate control which holds millions of bottles and is the envy of the retail fine wine industry.
All dispatched orders are treated with the utmost care. Orders travel overnight, wines are bottom stacked and we stipulate to all transport companies the need to keep wines cool, dark and dry at all times.
The level of care for your valuable purchase is without peer. We welcome a comparison of our facilities and policies to any of our competitors, most of which store in non climate controlled warehouses and ship regardless of weather.